Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Diet: Why? and How?

If you are interested in the GAPS diet i highly recommend visitng this site, and buying this book.

I wish I had the time and memory to write you guys a detailed description on what it is. But my little guys hardly free up time to even write snipits of things on this blog, and I am doing all of the writing from my cell phone. I see frequent thumb pain my future.

My short explanation on what the GAPS diet is, and why we use it:
The GAPS diet is not a diet that aims at loosing weight, but a diet that heals. By using traditional foods such as: bone broth, animal fats, properly prepared non startchy vegetables, and fermented foods, this method heals your gut, which is your second brain.  When your gut is healed you see other things change in you. Leaky gut, chrons, constipation, and food sensitivities  all fade. Dyslexia, schizophrenia, depression, ADD, and autism can be healed as well. This is without modern medicine and with traditonal foods.

For us, this mainly started with my husband Corey.
He has struggled with many digestive issues in his life. Colic as a baby, ulcers as a teen, and leaky gut symptoms as an adult. He also tends to hold weight even when we eat a real food diet.

We decided to take charge of these issues and try the diet out. Over the course of six to ten weeks Corey lost 40 lbs, mainly around his stomach, and his leaky gut symtoms began to fade.

In the busyness of life we fell away from the diet, but are starting back tomorrow. We are looking forward to the results and are anxious to see how it changes myself and our kids as well.

We are using the e-book 30 Days on GAPS intro to go through the intro.
Such a simple way to get through the beginning. Pf the diet.

Throughout the course of our journey I will. post updates and other advice and tips.

To prepare for tomorrow I have bone broth boiling on the stove, and chicken in the crock pot getting ready to be soup.

I hope this helps anyone with questions. Please come back and read more.

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